Archive for November, 2008



Have you ever stayed up late in the office because your boss wants that report? Have you ever worked so hard on an excel spread sheet that the data you enter start to seem a little bit weird? A little bit too weird? Does the photo bellow look familiar?

If it does, you either know of the Select Media Festival, or you should seek proffessional help.

[via The Dapper Alchemist]


Orson Welles drinks G&G[japanese commercial]

Great men drink great whiskeys… (damn, I’m good!)

Enjoy some Japanese commercials, where Orson Welles drinks G@G

Next time I’m in Tokyo, I must get one of those. I don’t want citizen Kane to touch me with evil and declare war of the worlds, after all…


Link Shots

No time for a propper post, today, so I will share with you some of the things I happened to come across today.

The Facebook of Genesis.
What if God had a Facebook account? A College Humor classic!

The Matrix runs on Windows.
Another one from College Humor. Guess I stayed there a lot today 🙂

An awesome Japanese fountain.
Your daily dose of cool Japanese technology. Come on, admit it, it’s cool!

Clockwork Hand.
Even if you’re not in steampunk, you have to admit this guy.



One Word: Respect! [Takeshi Kitano]

” I have an idea!”
Now, this is a phrase that has proven to be life changing. Last time it was heard, I found my self in Thessaloniki for the International Film Festival.

Observe the following photo please. I am sure that some of you, are already jealous 😛


The empty seats are now filled and Mr. Kitano is about to start his masterclass.


The reason these photos are not that clear, is that I used my mobile phone, as I had forgotten my camera. But still they were taken from the second row, a few feet away from Takeshi Kitano. It took some amazing ninja skills by Myrto, but she managed to find us the best seats in the theatre!


Sex Crisis in Japan?

A few days ago, I was reading a very interesting post, about Tokyo’s Salon Erotique, at Pop Japan (the post is in Greek, but you can watch the videos). Having been at a sex shop in Tokyo, having seen what these people are capable of producing, and with a little help from the forementioned post, I decided to spend a fair portion of my next trip’s budget in such novelties (it’s the collector in me speaking, not the sex pervert, honestly 😛 ).

It seems however that all is not going well. The otaku sex industry (ie sex-related stuff for those who actually don’t get any sex) is going through a crisis. You don’t believe me? Take a look at the data Yano Research Institute provides for 2007 and you’ll see I’m right. Maid or cosplay related services face a 18.6 % decrease! If that is not a tragedy, what is?

Now, economics, is not my strong point, but this much I know: If there is limited demand for a product, it becomes cheaper. Hmmm, could this mean?… Yes! More for me! Ha!


Reuse your LEGO

Do you have a box full of LEGO bricks that you know you are never going to play with, but you are too sentimental to throw away?

How about reusing them, turning them into everyday objects, such as kitchenware? Why not? I am sure you’ve seen a lot of “designer” house hold items that are way ugly and cost a shit load of money.

If by any chance you are still reading this, which would mean you are not laughing your guts out, and find this somewhat nice, head over to Evil Mad Scientist Labs, for some more ideas on LEGO kitchen craft (click on the image).

Now, if your LEGO collection is really big, why not make something impressive?

This marvel took more than 10,000 pieces and 3 months to complete. Check the creator’s site for more. Click on Han Solo to see the other 9 strangest LEGO creations according to TechBlog.

My personal favorite. Click on the image to see Winston’s Lego Computer.

Now that you’ve got some nice ideas, go to the store room, find that old box and start crafting!


The joy, the joy…

If you are not old enough to remember the Muppet Show, there’s a slight chance you will find today’s post, not to your taste.

Beaker has always been one of my favorite characters. Watch him perform his own unique version of “Ode To Joy

[I found this one through Lida’s Blog (GR) – thanks tKas(GR)]

One of the things that made the Muppet Show so special, was that from time to time, they would have guest stars, none of which appeared twice on the show. Many of those, I did not know, I guess they were famous in the States, but relatively unknown to the rest of the world. But imagine how I felt when I watched this:

November 2008