Posts Tagged ‘Maple Story


Murder in Maple morgue…

Maple Story, is a “free” MMORPG, with millions of players all around the world, 2D Graphics and anime cuteness. Free to download, free to play, but to buy items you need to pay, with real money. Well, it’s not my money, so I don’t care, right?

One of the things you can have your avatar do in the game, is marry, wow… As in real life though, marriages don’t always last forever, lack of love or bandwidth, you know how these things go. This one though, ended in a real tragedy, the first murder in the Maple universe.

The 43 year-old Japanese piano teacher, couldn’t live with the fact that she had been rejected by her virtual husband, so she somehow got hold of his password, logged in and deleted his character. Now, being arrested for murder, would be a breakthrough in law enforcement, but I don’t think society is ready for something like that. She was however, arrested for  hacking and If officially charged, she could face up to 5 years in prison…

I don’t find this funny at all, you know… One can easily say that we are talking about not so “normal” people, here (no, I don’t want to talk about what’s normal and what’s not, you get my meaning so no such comments), that these are rare occasions and a number of other things. But being obsessed over a game, to a point where you have difficulty in telling where the game stops and where your real life starts? Yeah, I’m the pessimistic type…

via Yahoo News

May 2024