Archive for December, 2008


Link’s the Champion

Another quick post, with extra geek factor. Normally, after watching this video, you should have a desire to return to those days. If not, your heart is made of stone, or you’re too young.

The creator of this awesome video is Victor Fiori.


The Surealist Dalek

A super quick post for all you Whovians out there!


Click on the image above to burn any remaining brain cells!

When you’ve had enough of this, search around the rest of the Surrealist website. There’s a ton of fun in there!


The Eternal Battle

You’ve witnessed it. You may have even participated in it.

Mac or PC ? A question that’s been around for as long as I can remember, taking epic proportions and finaly coming to this:

The war has started!

You can visit Nick Greenlee’s website to see the video in high-def and have a look at his other projects.

[via Geeks Are Sexy]


iBoobs: Apple says no, we say hell yes!

Every day, a shit load of iPhone apps, appears on the net. This is to be expected, as the damn little thing, offers some new chalenges for programmers worldwide, like the motion detection feature for example.

Let’s see now… If I were a programmer (well, you could say I am one) and I wanted to experiment with motion detection, what would I do? I guess something like what you can see in the following video:

Threat me with a gun, I still have no idea why would Apple turn down such a wonderful app. It’s not about the breasts. It’s an excellent simulation, no? The developers say, they wanted to further enhance their app, with touch screen support (yay!) and configurable options, such as breast size, but apple still said no.

So here’s my idea, in an effort to convince Apple: Remember some old watches that would operate as long as you would move your hand? Why not make something similar for the iPhone, a charger that converts motion to electricity. Now, combine that with the above app… You still don’t see a way to solve the energy problem for the whole planet?


Smooth Voldo

Come on admit it…

You’ve watched Moonwalker as a kid and you liked it. You especially liked the “Smooth Criminal” part. Now now, there’s no reason to deny it, it will be our little sectret.

Now that we’re past that, you can watch the video below and then watch it again and again…

If you managed to pick up your jaw, you’d definately want go over to Soul Singapore and view the complete history of Voldo videos. While you’re there, don’t forget to leave a comment 😉


Where can I get a set of those?

With the recent events in Greece (and some of the fires still burning) I wasn’t in posting mood.

I might write something about this, but if I do, I wouldn’t want to sound like any other retarded blogger that just posts bits of info he/she picked up and random thoughts. I believe this goes a little deeper than what is generally believed…

Steampunk and it’s variations, match perfectly my current mood. For some reason, I’ve always connected steampunk with a decaying and declining society, something like a Mad Max world of the past. This anachronism fascinates me and scares me at the same time.

So today, I present you Daniel Pon.

There are many steampunk (or neo-Victorian) keyboards and mice out there, but I found Daniel’s outstanding.


In the same post, you can also see the monitor he made to accompany this small wonder.


And here you can see the mouse that matches the keyboard above. What I find really fascinating about this particular mod, is the fact that he used a real rodent skeleton. I guess when I was talking about decay, right above, this is what I had in mind.

I must say, I am really looking forward to seeing the computer case that will go with this set. It is one of his upcoming projects.

Visit Daniel’s blog: The Tentacles


Thank You Mario! But Our Princess is in another castle!

If you have no idea what the title is about, then you are waaaay too young and you make me feel miserable, so off with you! Leave us, the elderly, reminisce the 8-bit days.

50 NES Quotes

50 NES Quotes

Go over to SydLexia and read the 50 NES Quotes, every gamer should know. Ah, the memories…

For the record, the day I beat Mario, something changed inside me. It was the second game I had managed to beat (the first was Space Invaders at Atari 2600). And thus, I called myself a gamer!…


Welcome tkas!


As of today, tkas will be joining me, here. Welcome him everybody!

December 2008