Archive for July, 2009


Terra Copy

I break my silence to tell you all about a nice little program I’ve been using lately. I used to work with a single PC but now I constanly use two machines and I need to move files back and forth. Now don’t get me wrong but despite all the wrong things about Windows, I would rarely use something else to do standard things. See, I want to keep my machines with as few extra stuff as possible. Over the years, I had read about different file handling proggies, including those who would replace windows copy.

Up to now, I hadn’t have any reason not to use what my OS provided, but since network traffic is involved, I started to look for an alternative. And I found one. It’s called TerraCopy and it guarantees to make your transfers faster and more comfortable.

But, I am sure, you don’t want me to reproduce what’s already on their website right? You want to hear my testimony. The best feature for me, is that when you want to copy a number of files and one of them is corrupt, TerraCopy will continue with the rest of them, without breaking the whole transfer. If you’ve ever tried to copy files from a CD only to get frustrated because one of those files could not be copied, then you know you will love TerraCopy. Speed is also something I took into consideration although I have no presise numbers to share with you. What I can tell you though, is that when I used windows copy to move a large number of files, the process would become slower and slower and the only thing I could do , was to break the transfer in batches. Now I don’t have to do this, TerraCopy is very reliable.

It is free for personal use and although the pro version did not offer that many more features, I would consider a pro licence for company use.



No Smoking!

As of today, smoking is prohibited in all close space public places in Greece*. That includes work space, public transportation, public service buildings, etc. There’s a lot of talk going on about the law, whether it is too strict or too elastic, there’s speculation that it will fail, there’s theories that the “politicians do not care about our health, but are only interested to collect money from fines”.

I am a smoker. I am a heavy smoker (2 packs a day, you can’t call that casual smoking).

I have absolutely no problem with not smoking where I cannot smoke. I respect those who don’t smoke, I understand that they are not obliged by anyone or anything to inhale my smoke, but as they claim they have rights, so have I.

I have the right to be protected from all you stupid non smokers who think it’s funny to laugh at my face just because someone thought to pass a law for something that derives out of pure logic!

Till now, I have been pestered by numerous people who claimed victory over smoking, who wished they would force me to quit smoking, who made jokes at me…

All of you, FUCK OFF. You will die of cancer anyway…

*It is the third or fourth time someone passes a law like that, but every time they “make a fresh start”.

July 2009