Posts Tagged ‘fires


I am the god of Hellfire…


I am not sure how many of you have heard about the wildfires in Greece, over the last few days, but it’s quite serious. While having a conversation, I was asked whether I am sad about it or not. I answered no…

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t care about the environment or that I would be happy if every inch of land was covered in cement. No, not at all. I just believe that caring about the environment, is actually caring about ourselves. Who are we trying to fool here? This planet does not need us! Even if we burn every forest, pollute every ocean and river, build skyscrapers all over the fucking place, we are going to end up with a planet we cannot live in. After time, nature will find her way back to where she wants and we will be like the dinosaurs, extinct.

Besides, these fires, are clearly the work of man, whether by accident or on purpose, it makes no difference. I refuse to believe that other countries have a magical way of preventing fires, while we are victims to all those who want to claim the forest for themselves. If you watch the news here, they are talking all the time about “them”, about those who want to build luxurious villas once the forest has cleared. The truth is however, a little bit different. I am old enough to remember how the mountain near where I live used to be, full of trees, and how it is now, full of houses. Houses that belong to middle class men and women, not multi-millionaires with huge houses…

We only try to hide the truth under the rag: There’s not enough room in Athens, so we will make room….

May 2024

inspired mumblings…